Bible Study and Prayer
Bible Study with Linda Price
Tuesday morning at 11:00am @ Valley Church
Join us for a time of studying the Word followed by a time of prayer. Our goal is to cover Valley Church, the Roanoke Valley, and beyond with prayer. We believe in the power of prayer and invite you to join us as we intercede for people and believe that
God will intervene.
Mom, Me & Jesus make 3 - 2.0!
With Jodi Crismond
A GROUP for: Moms of Young Children
Tuesday Afternoon at 1:00pm @ Valley Church
Calling all homeschool moms and moms of young children at home! We are coming together again for a new mom and me devotion and craft hour. Moms, let’s grow in Christ together, so we can raise up the next Godly generation!
*$10 per family to cover crafts*

Life's Healing Choices
With Julian and Charlotte Oliver
Tuesday nights at 6:30pm @ Valley Church (Teen Sanctuary)
While freedom does not happen overnight, you can find the help you need in a Life’s Healing Choices group. Come begin your journey of finding freedom with us!
Stepping Up
With Montae Otey
A GROUP for: Moms of Young Children
Tuesday nights at 7:00pm @ Montae’s Home (Hollins Area)
The Bible calls on us to publicly proclaim our Father and to set ourselves apart as followers of Christ. How does that fit into everyday life? What does this mean? This group will be for all college age and young professionals to join together in studying H, sharing, caring, loving and learning how to live in this world as a Christ follower.

Word and Wings
With Scott Jarvis
A GROUP for: Men
Tuesday nights at 7:00pm @ Rotating Wing Restaurants
Calling all men to come join for a night of digging into the Word as we dig into some wings! GROUP LIMIT: 10
An Overview of the Writings of Paul
With Pastor Ray Speck
A GROUP for: Moms of Young Children
Tuesday nights at 7:00pm @ Valley Church
In this exciting series we will dig into the different writings of the Apostle Paul. Paul left a huge impact on the early church, traveled all over to spread the gospel… these are just a couple things that will be covered as we look into the writings of Paul.

Putting God First
With Dalh Brown
A GROUP for: Women of all ages
Tuesday nights at 7:00pm on Zoom
During this class, learn how to be a better person, wife, mother and friend by always putting God first. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? This and many other questions will be answered over the next few weeks. We will meet via zoom and a zoom link will be provided.
*Proverbs 3:6 “ In everything you do put God first and He will direct you and
crown your efforts with success.”